La mini biografía

Pasé de ser estudiante de licenciatura a trabajar en un laboratorio de Biología Molecular - incluyendo un semestre de maestra - y ahora... soy estudiante de posgrado.

Orgullosamente Lic. en Biotecnología Genómia, UANL 2009
Actualmente MSc. Bioinformatics, Johns Hopkins University

"...for all the points of the compass, there's only one direction, and time is its only measure."

20 septiembre 2012

On my reading list:

Blog posts I haven't gotten around to digesting properly, (I'm not the only one that takes notes from blogs and videos, right?)


37signals Earns Millions Each Year. Its CEO’s Model? His Cleaning Lady

How to Survive On as Little Sleep Possible

What Successful People Do With The First Hour Of Their Work Day

It's Not Just Standing Up: Patterns for Daily Standup Meetings

How To Run Your Meetings Like Apple and Google

You Can’t Be Effective When You’re Too Smart for Your Own Good

Things I’ve Quit Doing at My Desk ... This one might be the greatest challenge yet.


PIN analysis


The Pale King
Dresden Files
Lie Spotting
... and I'm waiting for JK Rowling's new stuff.


Lets no go there.

Videos and food for thought because Shakespeare and Tom Hiddleston kick ass:

John Green's Existential Airport Anxiety

The Hollow Crown Henry IV Part I

 'Henry V' Monologue - Hoppus on Music - Fuse

I leave this here in order to close the many tabs and windows and general mess I keep open. In fear of missing good stuff, which is always available but hidden, I waste time keeping it safe in a tab or window or desktop, waiting for my attention. "Read Later" app, browsing history, and bookmarks be damned, I want the content now!

So I made a list. Safe in knowing that I made it and it's to my liking. 

13 abril 2012

Question of Eloquence

I guess it's safe to say by now that there's no way I'm gonna blog every day this month unless I can get more than 24 hours from a single day... as it is, I barely sleep anyway. TGIF

So, this post is in English because my question is in English. Also, I don't post names of people or places, and my recollections and opinions are my own.

To begin: Wednesday was pretty cool for me because I got to visit a research institute with a friend. We were led on a tour of the place by a Ph.D. we had met a week before. Long story short: we met this Ph.D. at a networking event, we emailed him afterwards, asked for an interview, and in response he gave us an interview AND a tour... it was awesome.

BUT that's the thing, "cool" and "awesome" don't cut it for me when I'm trying to express just how cool (damnit) someone's work is. I mean, sure the word maybe works as a compliment the first couple of times, but by the nth research poster he showed us I had hoped to come up with a better response than that. Alas, I didn't... and I'm kinda embarrassed about it. I'm not wishing for some eloquent long-winded comment, just a more eloquent first response. [Example]

To give you some context, this is a high level research institute that works on the advancement of military medicine encompassing knowledge from specialized yet diverse and synergistic disciplines. Think systems biology, bioinformatics, computational drug development, simulations, etc. ... You don't get to work in a place like this unless you've earned a Ph.D., and I'm sure our guide has at least a couple of post-docs. 

So in the world of networking, interviewing, and general human conversation, how do you say nice things about something!? I'm sad that I have to Google this, but I'm honestly at a loss of what to say when my brain is tripping on sciency stuff. I'm sure someone somewhere has come up with a fan of adequate and adaptable phrases to fit any situation... and I hope to find them. If you have any guidance on the subject, I welcome it.

On a different note, their published articles are incredibly interesting and the stuff they're working on is probably even more mind-blowing. It's such a cool approach. And it's not just the science stuff that got to me, it so happens that the way they're organized is also very interesting. Their work distribution and organization map showed me a top-down view of how different research areas are linked, plus it also illustrated their boundaries,  focus, and implementation in order to achieve a goal. This is powerful admin planning. It made sense! I got a global view! In diagram form even... I feel enlightened! Too bad we couldn't take pictures.

Side note: I admit that answering "that's interesting" to everyone and about everything sounds dismissive to me, so maybe that's why I shy away from that phrase. Basically, I've gotta find some more-than-two-words response to things without turning verbose.

Finally, I am incredibly grateful to this Ph.D. for everything, not only because he took the time out of (his very busy day) for showing us the place, introducing us to some of the authors of the posters he presented to us, and even for his latest -autographed- article he gifted us, but also for the great advice he gave us. This man, whom we've met only once before, literally sat down and mentored us. That's priceless! and an interview with someone like him really doesn't get better than that. We could ask questions! He shared answers! In my mind it subtly boiled down to "how do I get to be like you?" ... He said the first step is to figure out whether I want to pursue a Ph.D. or not. 

There you go. Step 1.

05 abril 2012

Soy Foster y este es mi gato-perro

Adoptar es mejor que comprar.

Acá por la Villa del Rock hay un albergue de animales que me queda a tiro de piedra. Se llama Montgomery County Humane Society (MCHS) y albergan desde gatos y perros, hasta aves, reptiles... y quien sabe que mas. Tienen sus unidades de rescate, voluntarios y toda la onda.

El año padado, una de las primeras cosas que hice cuando recién llegué a esta Ciudad (de 60 mil almas...) fué buscar una mascota, por aquello que son buena compañía. Y como me gustan los gatos, fue bastante fácil enfocarme en ellos. No es que tenga algo en contra de los perros, pero honestamente su necesidad de salir al mundo exterior a veces me estorba, por lo tanto safo de esa obligación.

El plan fue apuntarme como Foster, cuya responsabilidad básicamente es: albergar un animal mientras le encuentras un hogar permanente. Todos los gastos de veterinarios y vacunas corren por cuenta del MCHS (ya que tecnicamente el animal es de ellos, un Foster es solo un hogar temporal) y cada fin de semana el albergue organiza y promociona eventos de adoptción para que todos lleven a sus protegidos. De esta manera tienen a Fosters y voluntarios cuidando animales fuera del albergue, lo cual disminuye el numero de jaulas ocupadas y les permite seguir recibiendo animales, ya que a veces no tienen espacio para tanto animal abandonado... Y eso nunca termina bien.

Lo triste es que hay dueños que prefieren soltar a su mascota para que pruebe su suerte en la calle o llevarla al albergue porque no tienen dinero para comprarles comida. Digo, es preferible hacer algo a no hacer nada, pero de todos modos es triste ver a animales queridos que ya no pueden estar con su familia. Obviamente en otros casos no falta el imbécil que lleva a su mascota al albergue nada mas porque sí.

Y asi fué como Suzuki (la nombraron en el albergue) llegó a mi. Mas bien, yo llegué a ella. Escoger no es fácil; hay muchos animales muy bonitos en el albergue, y la mayoria son dulces y amigables. A muchos se les nota que eran mascotas de casa y que extrañan estar fuera de su jaula para poder interactuar con humanos. Algunos llevan en el albergue unos días mientras otros llevan varios meses. Suzuki, que tiene aprox. 8 años, llevaba tres meses en el albergue cuando me la llevé. Siempre es mas dificil encontrarle hogar a animales grandes... Pero se les olvida que esos son los que ya están entrenados!

Pronto estaré formalizando la papeleria de adopción, por lo pronto mañana la llevaré al veterinario (por que es requisito absoluto que el animal esté esterilizado antes de que se le pueda adoptar) y poco tiempo después ya será legalmente mía.

Yo estoy feliz con Suzu. Es mi gato-perro. Me sigue a todos lados y se sienta conmigo a hacer tarea...

02 abril 2012

Empezando Abril: Blog Everyday

Blog Every Day April. Supongo que será mi proyecto cada par de años para no perder la costumbre ;)

Las materias que llevo son: Systems Biology, Gene Organization and Expression, Data Structures.

Biología de Sistemas es de cierta forma mi favorita, ya que cae en una deliciosa área gris de mi conocimiento: biología/genética vs. matemáticas/estadística. No es fácil, pero es divertido... y estresante. Espero poder dedicarle mas tiempo a esta área de investigación en un futuro cercano, osease, voy a ir de visita a un lab a ver que tanto hacen. Lamentablemente solo contratan a gente con Doctorado... Y para eso todavía me falta mucho.

01 abril 2012

No te mueras blog!

Todavía me acuerdo de ti. Ya pronto habrá orden...

Considerando que me dedico a estudiar, este blog corre el riesgo de convertirse en "Mon Kitty Archives" o tal vez en "Juan Brincos en la Villa del Rock" como verán a continuación.

Pero sigo siendo yo.

Proyecto en puerta: Todo